What is Invisalign® treatment?

Invisalign clear aligners are plastic trays that fit over your teeth to try and straighten them without traditional metal braces.
At the outset of treatment, advanced 3D computer imaging technology will be used to create a treatment plan based on your unique needs.
Based on this plan, a series of custom clear aligners will be made to fit your teeth during each stage of your treatment process.

How does it work?
Invisalign treatment is easy at Rainy Lake Family Dental!
Step 1
Meet with your dentist and get a sneak peek at your new smile
Using the iTero Element® scanner, we can take a fast and precise 3D digital scan of your teethand map out a custom treatment plan just for you.
Step 2
Start transforming your smile right from your first fitting
This is a key step in your success. Your dentist will ensure your aligners fit well, answer your questions, and let you know what to expect.
Start wearing your aligners
When you pick up your first custom aligners, your dentist will examine your smile, ensuring our high standards are met.
Regular check-ins
Your dentist will guide you to schedule face-to-face check-ups every few weeks to check your progress and pick up the next batch of aligners.
Your routine, uninterrupted
Your Invisalign aligners are virtually transparent and easy to take out, so you can keep brushing and eating as you normally would.
Step 3
Keep your brand-new smile beautiful
You transformed your smile with the world’s most advanced clear aligner system. Now it’s easy to keep the smile you love with lasting results using our Vivera retainer.


How long does treatment take?
It depends. Most cases can be completed within 12-18 months. The exact duration of your treatment will be based on your specific needs.
Factors that may determine the duration of your treatment include the misalignment of your teeth or jaw, the shape of your bite, and the amount of movement required to correct the problem.
How often do I have to visit the dentist?
Since Invisalign clear aligners require no adjustments or tightening, your dentist will schedule brief appointments with you every four to six weeks, approximately.
During these appointments, your dentist will review your progress and answer any questions you may have.
How much does Invisalign cost?
The cost of treatment with Invisalign depends on the severity of your case and the duration of your treatment. Ultimately, the cost of treatment with Invisalign should be comparable to that of traditional metal braces.
How will Invisalign fit my lifestyle?
You will probably find that Invisalign fits comfortably into your daily life.
Because of the low profile appearance, many people shouldn’t even notice you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment, so the impacts on your social life should be minor.
You can also take your aligners out whenever you need to eat, drink, brush and floss your teeth. That normally means no restrictions on your diet and oral hygiene routines.
Can kids use Invisalign?
Yes! Kids can certainly be candidates for Invisalign and we offer consultations starting at age 7. In fact, there are Invisalign clear aligners designed just for teenagers and kids.